Prophet Orb Summon Rate

Idle Heroes Prophet Orb Summon Rate

Shared by samogot

The table below contains the droprates of all Heroes via the Prophet Tree in Idle Heroes.

Faction Hero Rate Min Max
Any Prophet’s Blessing 100.0% 10 30
Shadow 4* Hero Shard 7.0% 10 20
Shadow 4* Grumpy Corpse 7.5%
Shadow 4* Gbagbo 7.5%
Shadow 4* Bonecarver 7.5%
Shadow 4* Glen 7.5%
Shadow 4* Nightmare Knight 7.5%
Shadow 4* Bone General 7.5%
Shadow 4* Lamb 7.5%
Shadow 4* Deathsworn 7.5%
Shadow 5* Hero Shard 24.0% 7 18
Shadow 5* Grumpy Corpse 0.6%
Shadow 5* Gbagbo 0.6%
Shadow 5* Bonecarver 0.6%
Shadow 5* Bone General 0.6%
Shadow 5* Glen 0.6%
Shadow 5* Nightmare Knight 0.6%
Shadow 5* Lamb 0.6%
Shadow 5* Deathsworn 0.6%
Shadow 5* Dominator 0.4%
Shadow 5* Lutz 0.4%
Shadow 5* Aidan 0.4%
Shadow 5* Kharma 0.4%
Shadow 5* Field 0.4%
Shadow 5* Walter 0.4%
Shadow 5* Baade 0.4%
Shadow 5* Blood Blade 0.28%
Shadow 5* Corpsedemon 0.28%
Shadow 5* Kamath 0.28%
Shadow 5* Jahra 0.28%
Shadow 5* Horus 0.28%
Fortress 4* Hero Shard 7.0% 10 20
Fortress 4* Time Mage 7.5%
Fortress 4* Storm Hudde 7.5%
Fortress 4* Roy 7.5%
Fortress 4* Sierra 7.5%
Fortress 4* Liquor 7.5%
Fortress 4* LM-02 7.5%
Fortress 4* Iron Bambi 7.5%
Fortress 4* Kristian 7.5%
Fortress 5* Hero Shard 24.0% 7 18
Fortress 5* Time Mage 0.6%
Fortress 5* Storm Hudde 0.6%
Fortress 5* Roy 0.6%
Fortress 5* Sierra 0.6%
Fortress 5* Liquor 0.6%
Fortress 5* Iron Bambi 0.6%
Fortress 5* Kristian 0.6%
Fortress 5* LM-02 0.6%
Fortress 5* Honor Guard 0.4%
Fortress 5* Bleecker 0.4%
Fortress 5* Mirage 0.4%
Fortress 5* Iceblink 0.4%
Fortress 5* OD-01 0.4%
Fortress Miki 0.4%
Fortress 5* Emily 0.4%
Fortress 5* Flame Strike 0.23%
Fortress 5* Sigmund 0.24%
Fortress 5* Valentino 0.23%
Fortress 5* Xia 0.23%
Fortress 5* Penny 0.23%
Fortress 5* Ormus 0.24%
Abyss 4* Hero Shard 7.0% 10 20
Abyss 4* Rogge 7.5%
Abyss 4* Destroyer 7.5%
Abyss 4* Tanner 7.5%
Abyss 4* Akasha 7.5%
Abyss 4* Lemegeton 7.5%
Abyss 4* Aleria 7.5%
Abyss 4* Norma 7.5%
Abyss 4* Immolatus 7.5%
Abyss 5* Hero Shard 24.0% 7 18
Abyss 5* Rogge 0.6%
Abyss 5* Destroyer 0.6%
Abyss 5* Tanner 0.6%
Abyss 5* Lemegeton 0.6%
Abyss 5* Akasha 0.6%
Abyss 5* Aleria 0.6%
Abyss 5* Norma 0.6%
Abyss 5* Immolatus 0.6%
Abyss 5* Lord Balrog 0.4%
Abyss 5* Fat Mu 0.4%
Abyss 5* Gusta 0.4%
Abyss 5* Dantalian 0.4%
Abyss 5* Margaret 0.4%
Abyss 5* Queen 0.4%
Abyss 5* Karim 0.4%
Abyss 5* Barea 0.28%
Abyss 5* Skerei 0.28%
Abyss 5* Kroos 0.28%
Abyss 5* King Barton 0.28%
Abyss 5* Cthugha 0.28%
Forest 4* Hero Shard 7.0% 10 20
Forest 4* Wind Walker 7.5%
Forest 4* Chief 7.5%
Forest 4* Ent Elder 7.5%
Forest 4* Headstriker 7.5%
Forest 4* Thale 7.5%
Forest 4* Kargath 7.5%
Forest 4* The Grey-Eyed 7.5%
Forest 4* Zekkis 7.5%
Forest 5* Hero Shard 24.0% 7 18
Forest 5* Wind Walker 0.6%
Forest 5* Chief 0.6%
Forest 5* Ent Elder 0.6%
Forest 5* Headstriker 0.6%
Forest 5* Thale 0.6%
Forest 5* Kargath 0.6%
Forest 5* The Grey-Eyed 0.6%
Forest 5* Zekkis 0.6%
Forest 5* Dragon Slayer 0.4%
Forest 5* Faceless 0.4%
Forest 5* Demon Hunter 0.4%
Forest 5* Groo 0.4%
Forest 5* Malassa 0.4%
Forest 5* Rosa 0.4%
Forest 5* Eddga 0.4%
Forest 5* Vesa 0.28%
Forest 5* Heart Watcher 0.28%
Forest 5* Valkyrie 0.28%
Forest 5* Oberon 0.28%
Forest 5* Starlight 0.28%
Dark / Light 4* Dark Hero Shard 20.0% 10 10
Dark / Light 4* Light Hero Shard 20.0% 10 10
Dark / Light 4* Darkness Fanella 4.6%
Dark / Light 4* Logan 4.6%
Dark / Light 4* Dark Spirit 4.7%
Dark / Light 4* Disciple 4.7%
Dark / Light 4* Fegan 4.7%
Dark / Light 4* Divine Spirit 4.7%
Dark / Light 5* Hero Shard 28.0% 7 15
Dark / Light 5* Darkness Fanella 0.5%
Dark / Light 5* Logan 0.5%
Dark / Light 5* Dark Spirit 0.5%
Dark / Light 5* Disciple 0.5%
Dark / Light 5* Fegan 0.5%
Dark / Light 5* Divine Spirit 0.5%
Dark / Light 5* Dark Arthindol 0.134%
Dark / Light 5* Sleepless 0.133%
Dark / Light 5* Das Moge 0.133%
Dark / Light 5* Gerke 0.133%
Dark / Light 5* Asmodel 0.134%
Dark / Light 5* Michelle 0.133%
Dark / Light 5* Amuvor 0.0286%
Dark / Light 5* Mihm 0.0286%
Dark / Light 5* Aspen 0.0286%
Dark / Light 5* Amen-Ra 0.0285%
Dark / Light 5* Faith Blade 0.0286%
Dark / Light 5* Belrain 0.0286%
Dark / Light 5* Aida 0.0285%
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